
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where It Started (Intro)

Hello, I am Blake Ashen, and this is where my revenge started. This may be a lesson to all of you: Never trust anyone. I am a night walker, a plasma-drinker, a vampire. I wasn't always this way, though. It all started when I met a girl. (Ironic, right?)

Me and this girl, Elvira Slayer were friends for quite a while. I thought I knew everything about her, and I was falling for her. She was different, her eyes were brighter and glowed when she moved, and she was really pale. I never suspected anything, making me the perfect target. I have a blood type of B+, a fairly common type. When Elvira mentioned it being her favorite type, I never thought a second about it. Maybe I should have...

One day she asked for something to eat. Me, being the idiot I am, handed her some Autumn Salad, but she refused. I handed her various pieces of food, but she refused them all. Finally, she said she wanted plasma. My eyes went wide as I realized who exactly she was. She wasn't who I thought she was. She was a monster. But I loved her, I'd do anything for her. I let her drink from me. I wanted to be with her forever, and she said there was only one way to do that: To join the vampire's ranks. I agreed eagerly, and she turned me.

Days passed, and my transformation completed. Elvira stayed the whole time, keeping track of the progress. She'd said it was coming, and I was grateful. Then I could have my Baby forever. But then.....she left. I never saw her again. I'll never forget it. The last time I saw her was when she had a evil grin on her face, and suitcases in hand. I tried to stop her, but she was long gone.

I wanted revenge. I wanted sims to suffer the way I had to. To love, and be ditched. To feel the pain I felt, and not be able to stop it. So I started the long journey. Nobody could stop me, I was invincible. Some were easy, and some were not. Some were royalty, and some were dirt. But most were prisoners.. Welcome to my world.



  1. Great job, looking forward to more! I like the different story line, much appreciated and a joy to read :)
